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Rumba Count
Posted by Anonymous
3/13/2007  7:41:00 AM
International Rumba is 2341 and American Rumba is either Slow Quick Quick or Quick Quick Slow. Why is there a difference in the American Rumba count in different studios or schools?
Re: Rumba Count
Posted by Latin
3/13/2007  4:01:00 PM
Why is there a difference in the American Rumba count in different studios. Most of them didn't listen to the music for starters. .
Re: Rumba Count
Posted by Anonymous
3/13/2007  4:22:00 PM
I think Fred Astaire uses a QQS for American Rumba and Dance Vision and this site uses SQQ for American Rumba.
Not sure about AM.
Re: Rumba Count
Posted by DennisBeach
3/13/2007  6:39:00 PM
We took lesson at Fred Astaire and you are correct. They taught it QQS.

When they teach it SQQ, do they start the slow on the same beat in the measure as the others do the quick with QQS or do they have you start on a different beat so you are still doing the slow and quicks in the same part of a measure..
Re: Rumba Count
Posted by Annie
3/13/2007  7:22:00 PM
Both SQQ and QQS start on the downbeat, so they timing would not match with two couples. I prefer SQQ- it seems to fit the music. Bo-oom plunk plunk. but as long as the timing stays consistent, everything is cool.
Re: Rumba Count
Posted by Luv2Latin
3/16/2007  12:41:00 AM
I know nothing about American Rumba. In the book . In the International Style, with International timing, if you had to use quicks and slows, the count would be Q Q S. with the first step on beat two which would be 2 3 4 1
(4 1 ) being the slow. Fred Astaire was correct.
Re: Rumba Count
Posted by Anonymous
3/16/2007  7:21:00 AM
"know nothing about American Rumba. In the book . In the International Style, with International timing, if you had to use quicks and slows, the count would be Q Q S. with the first step on beat two which would be 2 3 4 1
(4 1 ) being the slow. Fred Astaire was correct."

Ineed, you know NOTHING about American Rumba.

There are THREE different rumba timings, and they do not match each other, even once the dance is under way.

1) International
2) Fred Astaire
3) Arthur Murray

Just because you can call two of them QQS does not mean that they are the same QQS - they aren't.

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